Monday, November 1, 2010

I'm back (I hope) - and things have changed a bit in my life

(image courtesy of 

It's been a long time since I used this blog.  I did Trailwalker. I didn't quite finish it. I can't help thinking that my weight (93kg at the time I did the walk) played at least some kind of part in that.

I figured I wanted to have another go at it in 2011. So, about this time last year I started signing myself up for 10ks and half-marathons (walking ones) left right and centre.  I did a lot of them  - one of each a month from January to July.  Then I went for a walking holiday in Cornwall.

Meanwhile, I also figured I'd work on trying to lose some weight so that when I DID go back to Trailwalker in 2011, I didn't have the same disadvantage I'd had in 2009.  And I lost some. Around 8 or so kilos from September 2009 to September 2010 - I was 84.5 when I weighed myself again in mid-September. Which I guess isn't bad.  Now it looks like Trailwalker 2011 won't be happening, which has taken away my practical reason for wanting to drop the weight.

I want to get my weight further down (I was aiming fro somewhere between 70-75kg, on the basis that 70 is the lowest I know my body can healthily be, and I don't actually know if that's too low for who I am now, so I'm giving myself permission to stop before then if that seems right).  Now I'm left with the question: if I'm not losing weight for Trailwalker, why DO I want to lose it?  Can I find a reason that's not about fitting into a specific size, or hitting a specific number on the scale - one that won't wake my "sleeping beast in the dark". That's part of what I want to use this blog to explore.

We'll see where things go from here...


orannia said...

I look forward to following you on your journey kechara....and I'll be cheering you every step of the way :)

Hmmm...wonder if that means I should find myself a cheerleading outfit.... *grin* Maybe not :)

Starfire said...

Thanks for the cheerleading, kechara - and I may just have to hold you to that cheerleading outfit ;-)

Mary (A Merry Life) said...

Welcome back! I look forward to keeping up with your journey from this point onward. :)

orannia said...

...and I may just have to hold you to that cheerleading outfit ;-)


Starfire said...

Hi Mary - thanks so much for stopping by and commenting - it's lovely to hear from you, and I'm looking forward to tracking the journey!

Kirsten said...

I always tell people I'm like a 200lb cheerleader.

Which is a COMPLETE LIE. Because I would LOVE to weigh 200lbs.

Welcome back! :)