Thursday, November 18, 2010

I think I've found the soundtrack to my running/weight loss journey

Today, I discovered the soundtrack for my running and weightloss journey. I kid you not - I've been a down today because I managed to overdo it on my run on Tuesday and the brain squirrels from yesterday, and... general stuff.  Then someone linked me to this video, and it gave my eardrums (and possibly my soul) a SERIOUS happy. I think I may have to see if iTunes has it, because it totally needs to be on my exercise playlist :-)

(also? Moodwise, it probably doesn't hurt that I spent the first part of my evening watching/doing workout pr0n. I should probably be embarrassed by just how much I'm enjoying the Bob Harper Strength Burn DVD!)


orannia said...


I love the song itself, but...I'm more of a fan of the Glee version :)

And I sad do what makes you if doing Bob....I mean Bob's workouts works for you....I'll shut up now :)

Starfire said...

I remember seeing the Glee version and I definitely liked it... but something about the power behind the guitar in this one just works for me.

As for doing Bob... errrr... Bob's workouts. Apparently, yes. I no longer lack for motivation to do my strength workouts. And that can ONLY be a good thing, right?