- To track my food intake every day, and aim for between approx 2100-2300 each day
- To burn a minimum of 2,500 calories in exercise a week
- To log a minimum of 40km a week
- To make it past W2 of the Bridge to 10k
- To lose a kilo
- To stay in balance while I'm doing it all.
And y'know - I'm pretty pleased with how I went:
- I tracked my food all but (I think) 2 days out of the month. I stayed between 2000-2300 most days. Occasionally I actually had a little more - usually when I'd done more than 600+cal of exercise and genuinely felt like I needed more; and I'm absolutely OK with that. In fact, I'd far prefer it to sticking to a predetermined limit that ignores how much my body is telling me it needs on the day. And it apparently worked too... I've been losing weight at a rate I'm happy with on this calorie intake, while still feeling (mostly) like I had the energy I need to deal with not just my training, but everything else in my life.
- Yeah, I think I hit the calorie burn without even trying every single week. To the point where I'm considering upping this for December to actually make it challenging (but more on that in the next post).
- I also hit my 40km without REALLY trying all but one week of November, so I'm definitely looking at upping this in December. The one thing I'm conscious of, though, is that if I'm increasing my weekly distance like this, it's probably smart to actively plan to include a rest week in there where I deliberately aim for a lower distance. I see that in most marathon training plans, so I can't imagine it being a bad idea here. Plus, y'know, that balance thing.
- I did indeed make it past W2. I actually even made it to W4. But then things started going pear-shaped again, and I found myself managing the first interval of any given session, and then seeing the others just turn to custard. I think I'm going to keep using a modified version of the programme, but not let myself be limited by it. What I really care about with my running interval sessions, really, is total distance covered in any one session, followed by total distance run. If I manage to run 45min cumulative total in a session, I don't really care whether I'm doing it in 3 sessions or 10. As long as I'm doing it, it's all good, and all plays into how I'm planning to run-walk the races I'm now signed up for. So yes, this goal was achieved, but the equivalent B210k goal won't be following me into December.
- I did indeed lose a kilo. In fact, I *NEARLY* lost 2 this month. So I'm well pleased with this. No rapid, dramatic weightloss, which would suggest that something was seriously wrong with how I'd calculated my calorie intake and/or exercising. Just a nice, steady loss that feels like a tangible reward for the mostly-good eating and exercising behaviours I've consistently managed for the past month.
And for the main question: did I stay in balance? I think, for the most part, the answer is "Yes". I didn't always manage it 100% of the time, but for the most part, when I started feeling like I was getting unbalanced I noticed. Early. And I did something about it. I didn't pretend it wasn't happening, and I didn't dive headfirst into it. And that, I think, more than achieving any of the goals above, makes me feel like November has been a VERY successful month in the Starfireverse.
May there be many, many more like it :-)
How was your November? Any successes or lessons you feel like sharing with the class?
1 comment:
Congrats kechara!
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